* February 22nd, 2016


vWd-clear by parentage


Youth Champion of SERBIA


Youth Class
Balkan Sieger Show/SRB 2017 (Hans Wiblishauser - DE) - Exc

CAC Kosjeric/SRB 2017 (Dragan Babic - SRB) - Exc1, JCAC
European All Star Dobermann Grand Prix/SRB 2017 (Erika Szokol - HU) - Exc (5)

Intermediate Class
CAC Rekovac/SRB 2017 (Dragan Babic - SRB) - Exc1, CAC
CAC Trstenik/SRB 2017 (Ljubisa Nikolic - SRB) - Exc1, CAC, BOB

Open Class
Galaxy Winner Show/SRB 2018 (Merete Dalgaard - DK & Jay Horgan - UK) - Exc3
Balkan sieger Show/SRB 2018 (Demetris Christodoulou - CYP) - Exc














You can hover the mouse over each parent's name to see a picture of it.



Tahi-Réme Pacino
Ch, JCh, HD-A (SRB), HD-B (D), ED-0, vWd-clear, ZTP, IPO 1
Oksamit de Grande Vinko
Ch, Latvian Winner 2011 & 2012, Latvian Dobemann Club Winner 2011, HD-A, vWd-clear, AD, MH, ZTP V1B, angekört Ia, IPO 3
Leo vom Märkischen Land
HD-A, AD, ZTP V1B, VPG 3, IPO 3, FH 2
Nitro del Rio Bianco
Isa vom Märkischen Land
Gekata de Vinko iz Doliny Dalmenov
multi Ch, HD-A, ZTP V1A, IPO 1
Pluto de Grande Vinko
Aida de Grande Vinko
Tahi-Réme Ameeriah
AIAD Jugendsieger 2009, IDC Jugendsieger 2009, AIAD Champion 2010, HD-A, ZTP V1B, IPO 1
Ale Alamos del Citone
IDC Sieger 2010, AIAD Sieger 2010, HD-A, vWd-clear, AD, ZTP SG1A, IPO 2
Pathos delle Querce Nere
Ramona Rashi del Citone
Tahi-Réme Giniti
Gino Gomez del Citone
Tahi-Réme Triniti
Jamaha Unreachables
HD-A, vWd-clear
Dante delle Querce Nere
Ch, HD-A, vWd-clear, ZTP SG1A, ENCI 2
Pathos delle Querce Nere
AIAD Sieger 2007, IDC Sieger 2006, IDC Jugendsieger 2005, CH, HD-A, ZTP V1B, IPO 1
Urbano del Diamante Nero
Ninette della Sinvessa
Ca'stellamaris Corinne
INT Ch, Ch, HD-A, ZTP V1B, ENCI 2, IPO 1
LeoLevante del Rio Bianco
Fanta Unreachables
Ch, HD-A (Serbia), HD-B (Germany), IPO 1
Urbano del Diamante Nero
INT Ch, multi Ch, Vice World Winner, AIAD Champion 2006, AIAD Vice Sieger 2005, IDC Jugendsieger, AIAD Jugendsieger, HD-A, ZTP V1A, IPO 1
Victor Vito del Rio Bianco
Indiana del Diamante Nero
Paloma del Nasi
INT Ch, Ch, HD-1, ZTP SG1B, IPO 1
Fedor del Nasi
Gloria del Nasi


The inbreeding coefficient of 8 generations is 7.16 %.